DERA GHAZI KHAN: A lady brought forth a kid on emergency clinic grounds after the therapeutic staff supposedly would not concede her in Dera Ghazi Khan's Instructing Medical clinic. 

As indicated by a report in the nearby media, the lady's relative, an inhabitant of Shehzad Province, said that she got her pregnant girl law, Sajida, to the clinic after she started giving birth. In any case, the clinic staff and specialists, rather than conceding her, requested her to bring an affirmation slip and Sajida's ultrasound report. 

Sajida's relative educated that she laid Sajida on the emergency clinic grounds since she was in a ton of agony, where she brought forth a child encompassed by individuals. 

After hearing the lady's shouts, specialists exchanged both the kid and mother to the work room. The lady's relatives organized a dissent show against the clinic staff's carelessness and requested the Punjab wellbeing secretary to investigate the issue and rebuff those dependable.
Image source: Saamna TV