10th April was the day onliest in science history. For years we have been living in a notion related with black hole. We would believe there is black hole but didn't had a glance of it. Science is based on proof and this demand of proof is ever decisive. Now it has been done regarding the black hole.
 We were living in conclusion that taking a photo of black hole is impossible since it is located in such a place in space where ultra gravitational force is present which makes it impossible to pass on light there, making it impossible to take a picture of it since reflection of light doesn't occure. This is why the splendid achievement is the great success of science. 

The black hole which has been captured first time, belongs to M87 Galaxy. The whole galaxy was being scanned for almost 10 days by a vast team of scientists.
The picture was possible to take when 8 radio scopes were applied to the task from the various part of the world.

This black hole is 53 million light years away from the earth. The Event Horizon Telescope Researchers have stated this black hole is 6 billion times bigger than the sun.